I'm making this post for all of the "Smarty Pants" yappin their mouths about HAARP and all of its magical characteristic! For those of you that are clueless to this topic; lemme help ya catch up! HAARP is a huge antenna located in Alaska that everyone is assuming is the cause to all of these terrible cataclysms ex: Katrina, Haiti Earthquake, EVERY FUCKIN EARTHQUAKE lol Tsunamis etc.. Well sorry to put all of you UP on somethin' but uh HAARP isn't the only one out there! If you ask me, HAARP only defends the US and is used for military purposes only ex: weaponry, radio disrupter etc.. These other ones i believe are used to control the human mind/free will and also aid in "Natural Disasters" that take place, around them..
Sura Facility
HAARP Like Facility
Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
+56° 7' 9.70", +46° 2' 3.66"
São Luiz Space Observatory
HAARP Like Facility
Cruzeiro Santa Bárbara, Sao Luis-MA, Brasil
-2° 35' 40.47", -44° 12' 35.90"
Millstone Hill Radio Observatory
EISCAT Like Facility
Westford, Massachusetts
+42° 37' 09.25", -71° 29' 28.49"

The first American 'HAARP' Platteville Atmospheric Observatory
HAARP Like Facility
+40° 10' 54", -104° 43' 30"

High Power Auroral Stimulation Observatory
Fairbanks Alaska
64° 52' 19" N 146° 50' 33" W
European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association
Ramfjordmoen, Near Tromsø, Norway
+69° 35' 10.94", +19° 13' 20.89"

Nerc MST Radar Facility
HAARP Like Facility
+52° 25' 28.26", -4° 00' 19.59"
Capel Dewi, Carmarthenshire, Wales, United Kingdom
near Aberystwyth, Wales, UK
National MST Radar Facility
HAARP Like Facility
+13° 27' 26.68", +79° 10' 30.74"
Gadanki, near Tirupati, in southern Andra Pradesh, India
Jicamarca Radio Observatory
HAARP Like Facility
Lima, Peru
11° 57' 04.82" S 78° 52' 27.43" W
Jindalee Operational Radar Network
JP 2025
Laverton, West Australia
-28° 19' 36.29", +122° 0' 18.84"
Jindalee Operational Radar Network
Longreach, Queensland, Australia
-23° 39' 29.53", +144° 8' 49.58"

Poker Flat Research Range
Near Chatanika, Alaska
+65° 7' 23.90", -147° 28' 7.05"

Chatanika Incoherent Scatter Facility
EISCAT Like Facility
Poker Flats
+65° 7' 1.34", -147° 27' 37.23"
URDF-3 (Unidentified Research and Development Facility-3)
Baikal-1, Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan
50°10'12.69"N, 78°22'36.84"W
Strange Towers in a Russian Forest
Tesla Generators
Sychëvka, Moskovskaya Oblast' (Russia)
The Russian Woodpecker
Duga Radar Array, Chenobyl, Ukraine
51°18'20.17"N, 30°04'02.60"E
China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation (CRIRP)
HAARP Like Facility
Ionospheric Laboratory
Ionospheric Laboratory, Xinjiang (Sinkiang) Region
40°24'15.91"N, 93°38'09.74"E
Sheshan, Shanghai, China
EISCAT Like Facility
31°5′41.98″N, 121°11′29.72″E
Sura Facility
HAARP Like Facility
Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
+56° 7' 9.70", +46° 2' 3.66"
São Luiz Space Observatory
HAARP Like Facility
Cruzeiro Santa Bárbara, Sao Luis-MA, Brasil
-2° 35' 40.47", -44° 12' 35.90"
Millstone Hill Radio Observatory
EISCAT Like Facility
Westford, Massachusetts
+42° 37' 09.25", -71° 29' 28.49"

The first American 'HAARP' Platteville Atmospheric Observatory
HAARP Like Facility
+40° 10' 54", -104° 43' 30"

High Power Auroral Stimulation Observatory
Fairbanks Alaska
64° 52' 19" N 146° 50' 33" W
European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association
Ramfjordmoen, Near Tromsø, Norway
+69° 35' 10.94", +19° 13' 20.89"

Nerc MST Radar Facility
HAARP Like Facility
+52° 25' 28.26", -4° 00' 19.59"
Capel Dewi, Carmarthenshire, Wales, United Kingdom
near Aberystwyth, Wales, UK
National MST Radar Facility
HAARP Like Facility
+13° 27' 26.68", +79° 10' 30.74"
Gadanki, near Tirupati, in southern Andra Pradesh, India
Jicamarca Radio Observatory
HAARP Like Facility
Lima, Peru
11° 57' 04.82" S 78° 52' 27.43" W
Jindalee Operational Radar Network
JP 2025
Laverton, West Australia
-28° 19' 36.29", +122° 0' 18.84"
Jindalee Operational Radar Network
Longreach, Queensland, Australia
-23° 39' 29.53", +144° 8' 49.58"

Poker Flat Research Range
Near Chatanika, Alaska
+65° 7' 23.90", -147° 28' 7.05"

notice open field of antennas!
a little photo magic and VIOLA! GONE! lol
Chatanika Incoherent Scatter Facility
EISCAT Like Facility
Poker Flats
+65° 7' 1.34", -147° 27' 37.23"
URDF-3 (Unidentified Research and Development Facility-3)
Baikal-1, Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan
50°10'12.69"N, 78°22'36.84"W
Strange Towers in a Russian Forest
Tesla Generators
Sychëvka, Moskovskaya Oblast' (Russia)
The Russian Woodpecker
Duga Radar Array, Chenobyl, Ukraine
51°18'20.17"N, 30°04'02.60"E
China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation (CRIRP)
HAARP Like Facility
Ionospheric Laboratory
Ionospheric Laboratory, Xinjiang (Sinkiang) Region
40°24'15.91"N, 93°38'09.74"E
EISCAT Like Facility
31°5′41.98″N, 121°11′29.72″E
Well there ya go! Go psycho n start researchin! U'll prolly stay up for a couple of hours worrying about the possibilities! lol This shit'll make you stop wearing deodorant cuz of the percentage of aluminum in it! lol DONT GET ZAPPED PEOPLE!
at: April 25, 2011 at 5:43 AM said...
at: August 12, 2011 at 11:01 AM said...
I knew there were more but not that many, thanks for the eye opener.
at: October 19, 2011 at 10:33 AM said...
Well... we're all dead
at: June 25, 2012 at 9:30 PM said...
I bet when enough people do find out about these haarp stations the wrong people like the mobs and gangs in the USA will make sure they get taken out the hard way, Other then that we all need to do something about this...this is a issue everyone needs to know about around the country in the USA and in other countries also...looks like time for a big fight...god bless us all hope we all make it pass Dec 21 2012 or Dec 31 new years eve...I will not be going to time square this year I am stay clear of that event
at: March 1, 2013 at 11:01 PM said...
Theres no way you got the real pictures.
at: March 24, 2013 at 11:57 PM said...
You forgot SETI let's communicate with aliens
at: July 24, 2013 at 1:43 AM said...
Dear Friend, This is great info. I believe there are mini HAARP antennas installed around cities (near airports), used in conjunction with NEXRAD. As we see on the radar, the Doppler stations are being using with antennas to shape these storm systems. Please let me know if you have any more info on this . We are currently reviewing the weather patents involving electromagnetic waves
at: May 8, 2014 at 10:46 AM said...
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